My research interests lie in generalizable and trustworthy deep learning with minimal human annotations. Specifically, I'm interested in transfer learning and representation learning, covering but not limited to the following topics:
- Test-time learning: How to ensure safe test-time model adaptation, selection, and calibration with access to only unlabeled testing data?
- Pre-training and self-supervised learning: How to pre-train a generalizable foundation model with massive uncurated data?
- Model-based transfer learning and fine-tuning: How to transfer the knowledge of a pre-trained source model or foundation model to a different downstream domain or task?
- Large-scale empirical studies on deep learning models: How to uncover, understand, and explain the behavior of foundation models?
UMAD: Universal Model Adaptation under Domain and Category Shift
Jian Liang*,
Dapeng Hu*,
Jiashi Feng,
Ran He
Technical report
We proposed a novel and effective method UMAD to tackle realistic open-set domain adaptation tasks where neither source data nor the prior about the label set overlap across domains is available for target domain adaptation.
Professional Service
Journal Reviewer: TPAMI, IJCV, TIP, TMLR, TKDE
Conference Reviewer: ICML 2021-2023, NeurIPS 2021-2024, ICLR 2022-2024, CVPR 2022-2024, ICCV 2023, ECCV 2024
Head TA, EE6934: Deep Learning (Advanced), 2020 Spring
Head TA, EE5934: Deep Learning, 2020 Spring
TA, EE4704: Image Processing and Analysis, 2019 Fall
TA, EE2028: Microcontroller Programming and Interfacing, 2019 Fall